My New Condo

Having lived in houses ever since I was born, I've decided to spend the rest of my life in a condominium.

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Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Why a Condominium?

Everybody I know wonders why I decide to move to a condominium. Spending your life in a house seems more comfortable and private. You have freedom to do anything you like. You can raise dogs and cats, have the wildest barbeque party, turn on the loudest music, walk or sleep on your own lawn, etc. You can even refurnish or repaint your home, build a swimming pool, expand the garage. These things cannot be done if you live in a condominium.

I absolutely agree with the above argument. In fact I am very, very happy living in my house with my son and my mother. We have lived here for almost 20 years.

My house


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